The intensification of migration processes observed throughout Europe poses new tasks also to the Polish educational system. The growing number of foreign students is a challenging multi-aspect challenge that modern education must and must face. The effective and full functioning of the foreign child at school is determined by the effectiveness of various activities: educational, educational, pedagogical and psychological. The main goal, of course, is to master the basics of the Polish language, first of all in the field of communicative competence and mastering the language of schooling (JES). However, taking into account the aspect of full integration of a foreign child with the school environment, it should also be included in the praxeological assumptions of action in the field of cultural education. After mastering the language of schooling, and maybe even in parallel with it, there should be training of the linguistic and non-linguistic competences needed by the child to function in the time of school and also free from school. It becomes necessary then to have a cultural code, thanks to which it will be able to communicate with peers. The aim would be to enable a child with experience of migrating participation in a shared cultural experience.References
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