Narrative Poem Genre in Teaching Curriculums and Its Challenges and Limitations
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nastavni program
srpski jezik i književnost
književni rodovi narrative poem
Serbian language and literature
literary genres

How to Cite

Karović, N. Z. ., & Polić, S. D. (2020). Narrative Poem Genre in Teaching Curriculums and Its Challenges and Limitations. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum Et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia, 11(315), 100–109.


The main problem dealt with in this essay is the presence of narrative poems in the Serbian language syllabus in the elementary school upper grades. Primarily, we strive to point to the fact that the aforementioned genre is deemed as a methodological challenge and consequently left out of the syllabus due to the numerous problems it creates in methodology and literary theory. In the essay, following the literary theory notions on narrative poems, we aim to establish the degree of its presence in newer as well as in older syllabuses, hoping to achieve constructive solutions for its implementation in the syllabus. Simultaneously, we are trying to specify the potential limitations and methodological challenges this genre may create in any teaching situation.
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